Hunnewell Helps & Hunnewell Cares

Hunnewell Helps

Led by Andrea Gardos and Jeannie Liou, Hunnewell Helps is a community service initiative dedicated to enhancing both Hunnewell and our broader community through activities such as grounds clean-up and food/toy/book drives. For questions or inquiries on how to help please email

Hunnewell Cares

Supported by donations and parent volunteers, Hunnewell Cares strengthens our community by assisting families during crises or significant life events such as birth, hospitalization, serious injury, or loss. This program also helps families struggling to provide basic necessities, such as food and winter clothing.

Forms of assistance may include meal trains, playdates, rides, or financial support with gift cards.  Additionally, Hunnewell Cares provides free tickets to school events and fundraisers to families who do not have the financial means to purchase them.

Whether you need help, you know someone in our Hunnewell community who needs help, or want to provide help to others, the Hunnewell Cares program is here to offer support. To access the Hunnewell Cares program, families can email Andrea Gardos and Jeannie Liou at For anonymity when seeking support from the Hunnewell Cares program, contact Kristyn Chin or a Hunnewell social worker, who will then communicate the needs to the Hunnewell Cares Coordinators.